Big thank you to the 36 strong crew that came and conquered our BOOT CAMP Fundraiser on the weekend!
You did yourselves proud. With frost on the ground and a BIG pile of tyres in the middle of the oval I’m sure there was some nervous tension in the group…
Felicity and Caroline got us warmed up and ready for the onslaught! Tyres were kicked carried and rolled – on heads, above heads, around the body – any way to get it across the oval.
“The tyre is your friend!” Yelled a smiling Felicity as we jumped, pumped, pushed them about!
Grit and determination were on the faces of those boxing hard and fast (inbetween squats, mountain climbers & burpies!) I don’t know how people could carry on conversations during that session (RUSTY!!)
At least you got to enjoy the freshly cooked eggs and bacon breakfast afterward! Oranges went down a treat too – didn’t know we could eat a whole bag so fast…
It’s 2 days after the session and it still hurts to laugh… And the sneezing fit I had this morning certainly made my abs work over time!!
We’ve posted some pictures on our Photo Gallery page for you to check out.
AND what is more important and the whole reason we were there… You guys helps raise over $600 for our cause!!
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